
August-December 2014 (with Pascal Kleßen) Forum theatre project with young people from two prisons: JA Raßnitz and JVA Herford, creating two forum theatre productions about the topic “future”. After the presentations in Raßnitz and...

Polish-German theatre workshop

October 2014 (with Agnieszka Cwielag) Forum theatre workshop about inclusion with educators from Poland and Germany, organised by Kreisau-Initiative

Summer in KURINGA

August 2014 (with Bárbara Santos and Christoph Leucht) Second part of the summer course of the KURINGA qualification programme in Theatre of the Oppressed and start of the work with a new qualification group....

EPIZ training course

June 2014 Theatre module of the qualification course “Global Learning” of EPIZ Berlin (Entwicklungspolitisches Bildungs- und Informationszentrum – The Berlin Development Education and Information Center)

TOgether meeting in Bologna

May 2014 (with Bárbara Santos and Christoph Leucht – KURINGA) Meeting of the European network TOgether organised by Krila Teatro dell’Oppresso in Bologna/Italy, with GTO Lisboa (Lisbon/Portugal), ACTive INquiry (Edinburgh/Scotland), Dramski Studio (Pula/Croatia), Pallapupas...

Kreativ im Konflikt III

April 2014 (with Anja Petz and Harald Weishaupt) Third module of the training course „Kreativ im Konflikt“ on conflict transformation and theatre, in cooperation with Friedenskreis Halle and Kurve Wustrow

Theater in global learning

April 2014 Theatre training course with practitioners of “Global Learning” for the Association for Development Politics of Lower Saxony (VEN) in Hannover.

Summer in KURINGA: Practice reflection

March 2014 (with Bárbara Santos and Christoph Leucht) Workshop for multipliers from the KURINGA qualification course “Summer in KURINGA” focussing on the reflection of practical experiences

Workshop in Tumaco/Colombia

March 2014 (with Norma Rivera) Workshop with Teatro por la Paz Tumaco upon invitation of AGIAMONDO e.V. (till 2019: Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Entwicklungshilfe – AGEH) in Tumaco/Colombia.

Forum theatre training course in Manizales/Colombia

March 2014 (with Luis Benítez Páez) Forum theatre course in Manizales for the peace programme CERCAPAZ of GIZ with participants from Bogotá and the departments Cesar, Caldas and Norte de Santander, including a public...

Workshop in La Paz/Bolivia

February 2014 (with Bárbara Santos) Introductory forum theatre workshop with the Bolivian organization CEBIAE in La Paz, including presentation and forum in public space

Latin American Theatre of the Oppressed meeting

February 2014 (with Bárbara Santos) Workshop and seminar “Aesthetics of the Oppressed – Sound/Rhythm” at the third Latin American Meeting of Theatre of the Oppressed in La Paz/Bolivia

Kreativ im Konflikt II

January 2014 (with Harald Weishaupt and Marek Spitczok von Brisinski) Second module of the training course „Kreativ im Konflikt“ on conflict transformation and theatre, in cooperation with Friedenskreis Halle and Kurve Wustrow