zukunftsmusik forumtheaterproduktion: SPIELO

September-December 2015 (with Pascal Kleßen and others) Forum theatre project for Miteinander e.V. with young people from Raßnitz youth prison, focussing on the topic “future”. The forum theatre play SPIELO was presented several times...

Kreativ im Konflikt III

September 2015 (with Marek Spitczok von Brisinski and Harald Weishaupt) Second module of the training course „Kreativ im Konflikt“ on conflict transformation and theatre, in cooperation with Friedenskreis Halle and Kurve Wustrow

SLE Training of Trainers

September 2015 Workshop during the international course “Training of Trainers” at Centre for Rural Development (Seminar für Ländliche Entwicklung – SLE), Humboldt University Berlin

Forumtheater-Workshop in Buenaventura/Colombia

September 2015 (with Norma Rivera) Forum theatre workshop in the Colombian harbour town Buenaventura, in collaboration with Norma Rivera from AGIAMONDO e.V. (till 2019: Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Entwicklungshilfe – AGEH)

Second festival of Theatre of the Oppressed in Colombia

September 2015 (with Luis Benítez Páez) Workshop about masculinities during the second Colombian Festival of Theatre of the Oppressed pazes en escena in Bogotá. Creation of a forum theatre play about militarism and patriarchy...

Summer in KURINGA

August 2015 (with Bárbara Santos and Christoph Leucht) Summer courses of the KURINGA qualification programme in Theatre of the Oppressed. Public forum theatre presentations during the series of events “Four years of KURINGA”

Kreativ im Konflikt II

July 2015 (with Anja Petz and Marek Spitczok von Brisinski) Second module of the training course „Kreativ im Konflikt“ on conflict transformation and theatre, in cooperation with Friedenskreis Halle and Kurve Wustrow

TOgether and “Hotel Europa” in Athens

June 2015 (with Bárbara Santos and Christoph Leucht – KURINGA) Presentations of the European forum theatre production Hotel Europa in theatres in Athens, followed by a workshop about the European crisis with Greek activists (more...

Peace work in practice – workshop in Villigst

June 2015 Workshops “Conflict transformation and theatre” with students of Peace and Conflict Studies from different universities, organised by Evangelische Akademie Villigst and Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung (AFK)

EPIZ training course

May 2015 Theatre module of the qualification course “Global Learning” of EPIZ Berlin (Entwicklungspolitisches Bildungs- und Informationszentrum – The Berlin Development Education and Information Center)

GEW meeting

May 2015 Forum theatre workshop at the annual meeting of the GEW union

Kreativ im Konflikt I

April 2015 (with Anja Petz and Marek Spitczok von Brisinski) First module of the training course „Kreativ im Konflikt“ on conflict transformation and theatre, in cooperation with Friedenskreis Halle and Kurve Wustrow

April in KURINGA

April 2015  (with Bárbara Santos and Christoph Leucht) Seminars and laboratories with multipliers from the KURINGA qualification course “Summer in KURINGA” focussing on the reflection of practical experiences. Public forum theatre presentations in KURINGA.

Practice reflection with forum theatre

February 2015 (with Mathias Hinderer) Forum theatre workshop for inklusiv VERbunden with educators and social workers from schools in Verden