piquete street theatre group

September 2000 – February 2004 (with Harald Hahn) Street theatre group started in September 2000 in collaboration with Fritz Letsch by initiative of the INKOTA-netzwerk with the aim of combining theatre with development awareness...

Forum theatre in Bosnia-Herzegowina

December 2003 (with Roberto Mazzini) Forum theatre workshop and performance in Jajce (Central Bosnia) with young people from Bosnia-Herzegowina, Croatia, Bulgaria, Macedonia, England and Italy (organised by Omladinski Centar Jajce and Friedenskreis Halle)

Children’s drawings

November/December 2003 (with Meike Herminghausen, Marek Spitczok von Brisinski and Paula Kramer) sabisa theatre workshops accompanying the exhibition “War isn’t Child’s Play – children’s drawings in wars” in the House of Democracy and Human...

DOMINO project

April 2002 – january 2004 (with Katharina Lammers, Katrin Wolf and others) Employment as Kultur-/Theaterpädagoge in the project DOMINO – Zivilcourage im Rampenlicht in Halle/Saale and Merseburg (Saxony-Anhalt). Conceptualization and facilitation of a qualification...

“Nein zum Krieg!” (Say no to war!)

September 2003 (with Harald Hahn) Political action theatre workshop and street performance about the arms production of Daimler-Benz and the militarisation of German foreign policy, organised by Oekumenischer Dienst/Schalomdiakonat in Kassel

Imaginando la paz

August/September 2003 Workshop with peace educators and human rights activists from Colombia, Mexico, Guatemala and El Salvador in Berlin, organised by Paulo-Freire-Institute on behalf of InWEnt.

Forum theatre in Sarajevo / Bosnia-Herzegowina

July 2003 (with Roberto Mazzini and Michael Wrentschur) Forum theatre workshop and street performance with young participants from Bosnia-Herzegowina, Serbia, Croatia, Macedonia, Slovenia, Kosovo, Italiy, Spain, England, Senegal and Germany, organised by Schüler helfen...

Clean Clothes Campaign

May 2003 (with Harald Hahn) Political action theatre workshop and street performance at the Ecumenical Church Day in Berlin to support the Clean Clothes Campaign (on behalf of INKOTA-netzwerk)