EPIZ training course
May 2013 Theatre module of the qualification course “Global Learning” of EPIZ Berlin (Entwicklungspolitisches Bildungs- und Informationszentrum – The Berlin Development Education and Information Center)
May 2013 Theatre module of the qualification course “Global Learning” of EPIZ Berlin (Entwicklungspolitisches Bildungs- und Informationszentrum – The Berlin Development Education and Information Center)
May 2013 Workshop with teachers about image theater and forum theatre, organised by the teachers’ union GEW
May 2013 (with Bárbara Santos and Christoph Leucht – KURINGA) Meeting of the European network TOgether hosted by ACTive INquiry (Edinburgh/Scotland), with GTO Lisboa (Lisbon/Portugal), ACTive INquiry (Edinburgh/Scotland), Dramski Studio of the Istrian National Theatre...
May 2013 (with Mirella Galbiatti, Mathias Hinderer and Gunda Ennen) Theatre workshop about „Doing Human Rights – Human Rights and Democratic Practice“ as part of the training course “inklusiv VERbunden“
April 2012 (with Anja Petz, Harald Weishaupt and Marek Spitczok von Brisinski) Fourth and last module of the training course „Kreativ im Konflikt“ on conflict transformation and theatre, in cooperation with Friedenskreis Halle and...
October 2012 (with Bárbara Santos and Christoph Leucht – KURINGA) Meeting of the European network TOgether hosted by GTO Lisboa in Lisbon, with ACTive INquiry (Edinburgh/Scotland), Dramski Studio of the Istrian National Theatre (Pula/Croatia),...
March 2013 (with Bárbara Santos) Workshop “Aesthetics of the Oppressed – Sound and Rhythm” at Centre of the Theatre of the Oppressed (CTO-Rio) in Rio de Janeiro, where the development of Aesthetics of the...
February 2013 (with Anja Petz) Training course with colleagues from AGDF, organized by Friedenskreis Halle, about the potentials of theatre and aesthetics in conflict transformation (based on the experience of the course “Kreativ im...
November/December 2012 Workshop “forum theatre” with students of social work at Evangelische Hochschule Berlin, including a presentation at the university and an excursion to KURINGA.
November 2012 (with Anja Petz and Marek Spitczok von Brisinski) Second module of the training course on conflict transformation and theatre, in cooperation with Friedenskreis Halle and Kurve Wustrow
September 2012 Image theatre workshop at the annual assembly of Weltfriedensdienst e.V. in Berlin
September-November 2012 (with Katrin Wolf) Miteinander e.V/TheaterDialog-forum theatre project in Raßnitz Youth Prison about gender roles/masculinities. Two months of rehearsals followed by a forum theatre presentation.
November 2012 (with Bárbara Santos) Workshop “Aesthetics of the Oppressed – Sound and Rhythm” in KURINGA, with a small forum theatre presentation (see video here)
October 2012 Forum theatre training course in Havelberg with employees of Diakonie Osterburg
October 2012 Introductory workshop “Aesthetics of the Oppressed” (focussing on Sound/Rhythm) with former participants of the training course Kreativ im Konflikt (Creative in Conflict).
October 2012 (with Bárbara Santos and Christoph Leucht – KURINGA) Meeting of the European network TOgether hosted by KURINGA Berlin, with GTO Lisboa (Lisbon/Portugal), ACTive INquiry (Edinburgh/Scotland), Dramski Studio of the Istrian National Theatre...
September 2012 (with Anja Petz and Harald Weishaupt) First module of the training course on conflict transformation and theatre, in cooperation with Friedenskreis Halle and Kurve Wustrow
September 2012 Theatre workshop at symposion in Radialsystem, accompanying the project A Burnt-Out Case? in (NGBK) Berlin
July 2012 (with Mirella Galbiatti) One-week forum theatre workshop at the technical college BBS in Salzwedel, as part of the follow-up activities of “FRATT – Fighting Racism Through Theatre” (for Miteinander e.V./TheaterDialog)
June 2012 (with Bárbara Santos and Christoph Leucht – KURINGA) Workshop “Aesthetics of the Oppressed – Sound and Rhythm” (with Bárbara Santos) at the annual festival Pula Forum, organised by Dramski Studio of the...
May 2012 (with Mirella Galbiatti) Workshop with nursery school employees from Verden/Aller about different perspectives on pedagogical key situations, organised by inklusive menschenrechte
May 2012 (with Bárbara Santos and Christoph Leucht – KURINGA) Meeting of the European network TOgether hosted by KURINGA Berlin, with GTO Lisboa (Lisbon/Portugal), ACTive INquiry (Edinburgh/Scotland), Dramski Studio of the Istrian National Theatre...
April/May 2012 (with Katrin Wolf) Follow-up workshops with pupils from Salzwedel and Quedlinburg that had been to presentations of the forum theatre play “X-leben soll schöner werden” in November 2012 (for Miteinander e.V./TheaterDialog as...
April 2012 (with Mirella Galbiatti) Introductory workshop with youth workers and friends of Diakonie Osterburg
April 2012 Forum theatre workshop with actors of Expedition Metropolis with a presentation at a community meeting in Berlin-Kreuzberg.
April 2012 (with Anja Petz and Marek Spitczok von Brisinski) Fourth and last module of the training course on conflict transformation and theatre, offered by sabisa, Friedenskreis Halle and Kurve Wustrow
March 2012 Workshops “Aesthetics of the Oppressed: Sound and Rhythm” at the annual Swedish Forum Theatre Festival, organised by FTS – Forumteaterföreningen i Sverige in Storvik
March 2012 (with Bárbara Santos and Christoph Leucht – KURINGA) First meeting of the European network TOgether hosted by GTO Lisboa in Portugal, with KURINGA (Berlin), ACTive INquiry (Edinburgh/Scotland), Dramski Studio of Istrian National...
March 2012 Theatre workshop about inclusion and children’s rights at a weekend conference on inclusion and diversity in the North of Germany
February 2012 (with Anja Petz and Marek Spitczok von Brisinski) Third module of the training course on conflict transformation and theatre, offered by sabisa, Friedenskreis Halle and Kurve Wustrow
January 2012 (with Bárbara Santos) Workshop “Aesthetics of the Oppressed – Sound/Rhythm” at the Second Latin American Meeting of Theatre of the Oppressed in Quetzaltenango/Guatemala, organised by METOCA, and CTO-Rio and the Latin American...
January 2012 Follow-up Forum Theatre training course for the CERCAPAZ programme of GIZ, after the introductory course in June 2011
December 2011 (with Mirella Galbiatti) Workshop in the Argentinian town Comodoro Rivadavia, organised by Colectivo de Poetica-Politica MIRADAS
November/December 2011 (with Bárbara Santos and Christoph Leucht) (Music) rehearsals and premiere of a forum theatre play of the new group KURINGA Moabit
August-November 2011 (with Katrin Wolf and Ricarda Milke) Forum theatre production „X-leben soll schöner werden“ about daily-life neonazism, touring various towns in Saxony-Anhalt. A project of Miteinander e.V. and TheaterDialog, as part of the...
October 2011 (with Mathias Hinderer and Gunda Ennen) Theatre workshop on reflection of practical projects as part of the training course „inklusive menschenrechte – Inklusive Pädagogik und Menschenrechtsbildung mit Kindern und Jugendlichen“ („inclusive human...
October 2011 (with Katrin Wolf and Ricarda Milke) Workshop by Miteinander e.V./TheaterDialog about Forum Theatre on right wing extremism at the VII Encuentro de Teatro y Educación: Luchando contra el racismo a través del...
October 2011 (with Bárbara Santos) Workshop on Aesthetics of the Oppressed at KURINGA, resulting in a public presentation
September 2011 (with Anja Petz and Marek Spitczok von Brisinski) Third module of the training course on conflict transformation and theatre, offered by sabisa, Friedenskreis Halle and Kurve Wustrow
September 2011 (with Bárbara Santos, Christoph Leucht and Alejandra Maass) Opening event of KURINGA, a new space for search, production and qualification on Theatre of the Oppressed in Berlin
June/September 2011 (with Claudia Sommer and Jutta Hesselink) Theatre workshops in Berlin schools about child labour and children’s rights, following the GRIPS play „In die Hände gespuckt“, a Pro-NATs project in cooperation with GRIPS-Werke...
August 2011 (with Ulrike Jacobi und Mathias Hinderer) Theatre workshop about „Participation“ as part of the training course „inklusive menschenrechte – Inklusive Pädagogik und Menschenrechtsbildung mit Kindern und Jugendlichen“ („inclusive human rights – inclusive...
July 2011 (with Mirella Galbiatti) Participation at international symposium on prison theatre in Instituto Cervantes in Berlin, organised by aufbruch
June 2011 (with Bárbara Santos) Workshop Aesthetics of the Oppressed: SOUND/RHYTHM, with a presentation in the streets and in the theatre of Pula/Croatia, during the yearly Pula Forum Theatre Festival
June-December 2011 (with Bárbara Santos and Christoph Leucht) Presentations of the Forum Theatre play “Paßt oder paßt nicht?” in Berlin, Schwedt, Halle and Pula/Croatia, with the KURINGA Forum Theater group with young people from...
May/June 2011 Forum Theatre workshop with Norma Rivera (AGIAMONDO e.V., till 2019: Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Entwicklungshilfe – AGEH) and Luis Benitez Paez in Tumaco. Together with Hector Aristizabal and Corporación Otra Escuela at the first...
May/June 2011 (with Harald Hahn) Two-weekend-training course at Bewegungsakademie with activists from social movements. Street performance in the centre of Bremen about immigration and “fortress Europe”
April 2011 (with Mirella Galbiatti and Mathias Hinderer) Theatre workshop about „Doing Human Rights – Human Rights and democratic practice“ as part of the training course „inklusive menschenrechte – Inklusive Pädagogik und Menschenrechtsbildung mit...
April 2011 (with Mirella Galbiatti) Second part of the forum theatre training course at Projekthaus Babelsberg with multipliers from Colombia, Spain, France and Germany
April 2011 Two-day workshop with medical employees from hospices for the terminally ill
April 2011 (with Marek Spitczok von Brisinski) Forum theatre training course for participants of the first three courses of „Kreativ im Konflikt“, focussing on facilitation/jokering and questions related to application
März 2011-May 2012 Dramaturgic advice for the creation of a play with volunteers and employees of Hospiz Schöneberg-Steglitz and elderly actors from Theater der Erfahrungen (Direction: Eva Bittner und Stefan Schütz). The play “Bertha –...
February-April 2011 (with Katrin Wolf) TheaterDialog/Miteinander e.V. project with young people about the time after leaving prison
March 2011 Workshop about theory and practice of invisitble theatre in the rural Prignitz area, with invisible performances in supermarkets
January 2011 (with Anja Petz, Harald Weishaupt and Marek Spitczok von Brisinski) Fourth and last module of the training course „Kreativ im Konflikt“ (a cooperation of sabisa, Friedenskreis Halle and Kurve Wustrow).
May 2010 Participation of Hospiz Schöneberg-Steglitz with surdo & gomorrha, Theater der Erfahrungen and many supporters at Berlin’s Carneval of Cultures: “Enjoy the moment!” More photographs here
November 2009 Forum theatre presentation of Jana Sanskriti in Berlin, organised by sabisa, in cooperation with Aktionstheatergruppe Halle.
October 2009 (with Mathias Hinderer) inklusive menschenrechte (inclusive human rights) is a training course for educators, teachers and social workers with a theatre and human rights module
July 2009 One-week meeting of international TO practitioners at Centro de Teatro do Oprimido in Rio de Janeiro, more information here
September/October 2008 (with Virginia Alvear, Jasmina Barckhausen, Ilse Schimpf-Herken, Annika Taube) One-month course of Paulo Freire Institut Berlin with peace and human rights activists from Colombia, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras, on behalf...
August-October 2008 (with Fei Kaldrack) Forum theatre workshop and public presentation with volunteers and professionals from hospices for the terminally ill
June/August 2008 (with Harald Hahn) Training for multipliers from different political groups and social movements at Bewegungsakademie, performance in Bremen on genetic engineering
October/November 2007 (with Jana Tikalova and Anne Thiemann) Czech-German Seminar in Decin, organised by Deutsches Institut für Menschenrechte in cooperation with Czech National Agency YOUTH
September/October 2007 (with Virginia Alvear, Jasmina Barckhausen, Ilse Schimpf-Herken, Aki Krishnamurthy) One-month course of Paulo Freire Institut Berlin with multipliers from Central America and Colombia, on behalf of InWEnt Information
July 2007 Forum theatre workshop for school and university teachers from Peru, Honduras and Guatemala, part of a Paulo Freire Institut Berlin programme, on behalf of InWEnt
March 2006 Workshops for Centro Bartolomé de las Casas and the Ministry of Education MINED
October 2005 (with Regina Frey) Workshop combining methodologies of gender training and emancipatory theatre (a cooperation of sabisa – performing change, Gender Büro and Berliner Entwicklungspolitischer Ratschlag.
September 2005 One-month course for multipliers from peace education and human rights work from Central America, Mexico and Colombia, organised by Paulo-Freire-Institute on behalf of InWEnt Information about the course
April 2005 II International Meeting of Theatre and Education in Barcelona, organised by Pa’tothom
December 2004 Open Space on the potentials and limits of forum theatre, organised by Netzwerk TheaterDialog, Miteinander e.V. and Friedenskreis Halle
November 2004 (with Mirjam Dirks) School workshops and performances conducted by sabisa – performing change, GRIPS-Theater and Theaterpädagogische Aktionen about the multicultural reality of Berlin.
August/September 2004 Three days of image theatre and forum theatre as part of an InWEnt training for multipliers from Colombia, El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, Mexico and Nicaragua in Berlin (organised by Paulo-Freire-Institut)
June 2004 (with Harald Hahn) Political Action Theatre workshop and performance on behalf of INKOTA-netzwerk creative interventions in the public space to support the Clean Clothes Campaign on the day the Olympic torch was...
June 2004 (with Harald Hahn) Political action theatre workshop on behalf of INKOTA-netzwerk to prepare a street performance for the „Play fair at the Olympics“ action day of the Clean Clothes Campaign.
September 2000 – February 2004 (with Harald Hahn) Street theatre group started in September 2000 in collaboration with Fritz Letsch by initiative of the INKOTA-netzwerk with the aim of combining theatre with development awareness...
August/September 2003 Workshop with peace educators and human rights activists from Colombia, Mexico, Guatemala and El Salvador in Berlin, organised by Paulo-Freire-Institute on behalf of InWEnt.
November 2002 (with Massimiliano Filoni and Dagny Daheim) Workshop and performance jointly conducted by DOMINO – Zivilcourage im Rampenlicht and GIOLLI – Centro Ricerche su Teatro dell’Oppresso e Conscientizzazione at the European Social Forum...